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Friday, June 22, 2012

Professional Learning Plan

So as I reflect, I think that as a non-teacher I have come a long way in this class. I believe that I often struggle more with coming  up with ideas for lessons than the actual tasks themselves of using a new tool or applying theories and principles. I spent quite a while in my free trial version of Camtasia Studio today creating a screencast only to have it freeze my computer up and never "produce" my media. After restarting the program several times.....I finally had success!!

Here is the link to my screencast. 


  1. Great screencast Rachael! Sounds like you have learned a lot and are accomplishing lots of goals for yourself! Congrats on the grad school acceptance! :)

  2. Sorry to hear about the recording problems...that type of stuff always happens with technology.

    I really love the idea of Edusim but you're right, it is harder than it looks. I can never get it right when it comes to inserting video.

    I hope you have a great adventure at MSU.
