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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Social Networking-Getting things Done

I had been feeling overwhelmed with the thought of trying to peruse the internet in search of "good content" that is trustworthy.  Lord knows I am not an advocate of wikipedia because the information can be altered by anyone and there is no way to really prove the content.  How do we know when we read articles or view content online that it is from a good source?  Perhaps if we see that NPR had a tweet about a story where they discuss the site or author then it will have more credibility?  Maybe it is discussed in our MACUL group? If we see a few peers put out a tweet on it does it have more validity?

Perhaps developing a personal learning network is a way to get back to basics when searching for information.  What I mean is, years ago you went to a doctor that friends or family used-by way of a word of mouth referral.  You tried a restaurant because someone you trusted gave it 5 stars.  Nowadays you may read a product or restaurant review and sit there wondering whether or not that person's opinion should even count with you? What is their background?  What life experiences have they had that qualify them to have bearing on MY life? Having a personal learning network is like saying -I trust these people to advise me on information I need personally or professionally.  I like the idea of now having my igoogle page to organize my blog, email, facebook, twitter, delicious, rss feed, etc.  For me, my workflow needed serious organization because constantly visiting all those pages (or tabs in Firefox) can get exhuasting.  I needed a personal assistant and I now have one (in addition to my iPhone)!

I also need the ability to bounce ideas off of my peers.  I want to be able to see what teachers are struggling with in applying innovative technology to their classrooms so that I can research how to assist them.  Though my role in the educational technology field will most likely not involve working with students, I can benefit from hearing their responses to edtech applications in the classroom.  Being in the social networking environment allows us to stay connected to the most recent news and discussions regarding our personal and professional interests.  I believe it is an excellent tool for anyone who wants to continue to grow as a person and stay informed on various issues.

Now, let's get it done. 

I suppose I have been using the GTD process unknowingly for some time now.
  1. Collect
  2. Process
  3. Organize
  4. Review
  5. Do
 In my current job when I begin my day I print out my "pending edges" case applications.  I look at when each type of application is due, information that needs to be verified and attempt to process the application by starting with interviews.  Once an interview is completed I organize the information collected and request verifications if need be. Once verifications come back to me often days or weeks later I review the application and information and certify the results.

This method is especially important in anyone's workflow as it almost guarantees timely results. You can't organize what you haven't collected or review what hasn't been organized without feeling overwhelmed.

Igoogle is now allowing me to facilitate the collection and organizational process of all of my social networking tools.  It is up to me to review the information daily and then put it into action!

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