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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Web Page Vs. Blog

Traditional web pages are not nearly as interesting as blogs!  A blog is a more censorship free expression of ideas, daily tasks, opinions, ramblings, links, news articles and other items by the author.  A blog typically doesn't focus necessarily on one topic or point of view.  Sometimes blogs are a tool used by companies who want to tap in to the more modern interactive marketing plan.  They want a place for customers to go to to get updates on products, see customer reviews, or be able to leave comments about how they use the product they purchased from the company.  A traditional web page is usually not updated as often as blog.  Products or information may be updated occasionally-details on the price and availability, news articles about a company or organization, but the content usually is very specific and unchanging. Some blog users update their blogs multiple times a day jumping from one topic to another.  Others use it more as a social tool as a platform for their point of view or to interact with friends and family that they may not often get to see.  Instead of emailing links to pictures or videos, you can just post them on your blog.  An educator or trainer may use a blog to concentrate on a specific subject matter-link an RSS feed, link out their favorite websites that deal with that subject, or post updated instructions for assignments or training programs. Blogs can be searchable in search engines or privately viewed by members only.  They are a more versatile communication tool used by people of all backgrounds---oh, and they rock!


  1. I am just learning about blogging for the first time this week. I agree they do rock! I'm having so much fun making my own blog. It's like my own little piece of the internet.

  2. I used to blog religiously from about 2002 till 2006 and I had a small following --but I just couldn't keep up with it! I can tell that this experience will suck me right back in! :) I like that it's part of our homework so I won't feel guilty doing it.
